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Moving Tips


Try to get everything together the best you can the more organize the job the faster we can get and out for the day.


Let us know everything

If you need us to dissemble let us know so we have the right tools. If furniture is believed to be couple hundred pounds so we can assess and bring the right equipment. If we are dealing with flights of stairs etc.  

If it can be stored store it

If it can be in a box, box it on up. If it can be stored or broken down easy please do so make the move more convenient and smoother plus easy packing.

Label everything
Label everything so its easier keep track of all your belongings and where they need to go.
 Be prepared and think ahead
We can only plan for what we know, so try to have us knowledgeable as possible and let us know before hand everything need to be known. Try to have everything together, packed and disassembled if we are not doing it so we can move fluently and efficiently.




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